Sunday, September 27, 2009

Couch Surfing

I learned in the middle of this week that we would be having guests at the weekend. This is not unusual, as often I only register that a visit is upcoming when Heike reminds me. However what did surprise me is that our visitors were not previously known to us.

Heike has registered with, a site which enables guests to find hosts. The idea is classic Web 2.0 reputation management – you prove yourself worthy by inviting strangers into your home, then impose yourself on others for short stays all over the world.

So how was it? Peter and Nadine were excellent house guests: playing with our kids, tolerating our barking dogs, and giving us an insight into their couch surfing experiences in Europe, Israel and India. I definitely recommend the project, and I’m looking forward to trying it out from the guest’s point of view.

1 comment:

Dolphenstein said...

Cool! Should check out A great complementary site to couchsurfing. Lets you find lifts from city to city (i.e. the next couch!)