Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Macartan's 42nd Birthday

with birthday candles and kids singing "Wie schön, dass Du geboren bist"
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Monday, October 03, 2011

Odenwälder Herbstlauf


I did the half marathon of the Odenwälder Herbstlauf today. I had been aiming for a time of less than 2 hours, but given that it was so warm (26°C), and some inconsiderate planner had put quite a few hills in the way, and my training partners won’t run a whole kilometre without piddling and sniffing (three whiney excuses) I was quite pleased in the end that I finished my first half marathon at all. The time of 2:03:02 gives me something to improve on for next year.

Saturday, October 01, 2011

Yes, of course

This puts my mind at rest. Any reservations about the Kurpfalzschule's ability to tutor my child in the language of Shakespeare are now banished :-)
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