This is a horrific story about a young woman who was raped near the
Question 1: Why check a victim’s crime record as first priority?
In any case, a warrant for her arrest was on the books, for failing to “pay $4,585 restitution after a 2003 juvenile arrest”. The police immediately handcuffed and jailed her.
Question 2: Why should a 4-year old minor charge (the woman claims the fine was paid and the warrant is a clerical error) result in a procedural decision to jail a rape victim?
But now surreal turns nasty. A direct quote - “A jail worker with religious objections blocked her from ingesting a morning-after pill to prevent pregnancy”. This is such a chillingly repulsive abuse of power for religious motives; it would have been turned down by scriptwriters as too unbelievable.
Question 3: What is the appropriate response from the state of
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