Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Faschingsdienstag Parade in Heidelberg

It was a wet day in Heidelberg today, but we set off regardless into the city centre for the annual Faschingsumzug. Liam was dressed in his crocodile suit as seen in a previous post (and for which he nearly won a prize at yesterday's Kinderfasching event.

From Faschingsdien...

The other kids were dressed up too, here's Liam's friend Greta

From Faschingsdien...

and his cousin Celina

From Faschingsdien...

also present were various Schwabs, including Heike's brother Hans-Günther, who got to ride in the first car this year in his new official position of 1. Vorsitzende of the Kurpfälzer Trabanten.

From Faschingsdien...

Despite the nasty weather we had a good time. Liam was filmed by local TV station RNF, but we couldn't find any coverage of it on TV this evening :-(

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